Monday, November 06, 2006

Use command line option '/keyfile' or appropriate project settings instead of 'AssemblyKeyFile'

Ran into an old "friend" compiler error...

This error - actual warning, but if you like i have "all errors as warnings" this will stop you in your steps - will occur in Visual Studio 2005 when you point to a snk-file from the AssemblyInfo-file.

Since this was the way to refer to snk-files in VS2003 this will probably happen to you on your first try. There are a lot of people that has written how to solve this, for example

The solution is to point to the key-file from the properties of the project. However this has to be done by editing the projectfile in a text editor. The article above gives instructions on how to do that.


To do this, following these instructions:

  1. Open the project file (.csproj for C# or .vbproj for VB) in a text editor
  2. Look for the <AssemblyOriginatorKeyFile> attribute within the first element or add it as a child
  3. In between the start and end <AssemblyOriginatorKeyFile> element enter the absolute or relative path to the key file name, ie <AssemblyOriginatorKeyFile>.\..\..\Build\StrongNameKeys\MyKey.snk</AssemblyOriginatorKeyFile>
  4. Save the file and reload the solution/project. You will now notice that Visual Studio happily uses the entered key file name and don't forget to remove the old AssemblyKeyFile attribute



Anonymous said...

Hey Thanks that was really helpful!

Unknown said...

What if there isn't any element?

Unknown said...

I mean, if there isn't any AssemblyOriginatorKeyFile element in the .vbproj file

Marcus said...

Hmmm you could probably just add it. But to be sure I would go to the project properties (right click the project) and point to the file from there.

But, you could probably just add it. I think ;)