Thursday, August 23, 2007

NDoc is dead - long live Sandcastle?

As i written before Microsoft is plugging a documentation product called Sandcastle as a replacement for NDoc. I was wondering were NDoc had gone but today i found this article which explains a lot. The header of the article is quite scary "... death of NDoc".

I've tried Sandcastle today and i am not impressed:

  • The product is still in CTP (Community Technology Preview) - and it shows. It is not done yet!
  • No good support exists (out-of-the-box) for MSBuild integration. There are some third-party product
  • It is sloo-ow. At least twice the time compared to NDoc.

I can only hope that these things will get better as the final release arrives. Or will it be part of Visual Studio 2008 - that is my guess.

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