Thursday, March 06, 2008

How to get out of syntax highlighting in VB.NET

One of the most annoying thing with VB.NET is when it tries to help you with syntax highlighting, when using snippets.

You know; you type "property" hit TAB and then the property is created for you. The things that you needs to "fill out" is highlighted with some scary green color (see picture above).

In Visual Studio 2005 it's almost impossible to get the green stuff to go away even after you have filled the snippet out - but in Visual Studio 2008 you "simply";

  • After the snippet is filled out position the cursor after end property

  • Hit ENTER

  • The green coloring is gone

If anyone know how to do this in Visual Studio 2005 i would love to know. I'll buy you a cup of coffee at Lansforsakringar, level 4. I promise


Joakim Sundén said...

I actually do not know if this works because I don't use VB or VS2005 right now, but I really want to try that level 4 coffee: have you tried the Escape key? :-)

Anonymous said...

Mohahaha - it's not that easy, my friend.

ESC - is not the answere. Tried it - been there.